Carbon Maps

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Carbon Maps is a comprehensive, science-based, data-driven climate management platform for the food industry. Our food system is a major contributing factor to global greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation and water consumption worldwide. Factoring in how (and not only what) farmers grow is essential to evaluate consumer products’ environmental impact, and it requires information and collaboration across the value chain. At Carbon Maps, we are on a mission to help the food industry reduce its environmental footprint (carbon emissions, biodiversity, water use, animal welfare), by collecting and analyzing data, using science-based models, across all stages of the food chain, from farmers to consumers. The Carbon Maps’ SaaS platform enables agri-food industry players to perform rapid, high-precision assessments of the environmental impact of their products and agricultural raw materials. Carbon Maps relies on widely accepted scientific models and environmental standards (GHG Protocol, ISO 14040 & 14044, IPCC).
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