carbonauten GmbH
carbonauten products make food, materials and energy renewable, better quality and cheap for all. carbonauten has developed a unique system for industry that reduces CO2 emissions and costs. It involves the production of an innovative category of materials already disclosed as a PCT patent in the EU: carbonauten NET-Materials®. (Negative Emission Technology). They consist of combinations of engineered biocarbons with various binders. The engineered biocarbons are produced from biogenic and industrial residues by pyrolytic carbonization. Each ton of engineered biocarbon stores up to 3.3 tons of CO2. Other products include base-load renewable energy (heat, electricity, hydrogen) and high-value distillates from pyrolysis oils as a platform for environmentally friendly biochemical products. The material and energy cascade utilization of biomass residues enables the production of large quantities and high qualities at low prices. Scaling is ensured by worldwide, decentralized and technologically identical production facilities. In 2031, at least 150 "minus CO2 factories" worldwide will produce over 1 million tons of engineered biocarbons and up to 3 times that amount of NET Materials® annually. This replaces large quantities of fossil plastics, construction materials, fuels and chemicals. Leverage effects reduce climate gases in the range of gigatons, which has significant impact on environment, civilization and economy. carbonauten grows by sharing (stock company) and becomes the world leader in CO2-negative materials in 2031, generating over €2 billion in sales.
Description of Measuring service
Purchase sustainable material
Description of Reduction service
From 2023, carbonauten will reduce climate gases in the range of gigatons and support industry in decarbonization.
Description of Compensation service
Description of Communication service
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