Via Tomorrow Consulting
February 28, 2022
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ESG data, CSRD reporting, GHG, circular economy, SBTi targets, SDGs, GRI reporting, Climate-Related Risks (TCFD), Help with frameworks and metrics, SFDR, CDP compliant, SASB
Description of Measuring service
The services we offer include assistance in ESG data gathering and identification, guiding clients in selecting relevant ESG information based on legal requirements (CSRD & ESRS, EU Taxonomy, IFRS S1&2), investor needs and industry specifics. We assist in establishing and optimizing ESG data collection structures, ensuring compliance with all relevant stakeholder requirements and ensure optimal presentation of ESG efforts in form of factbooks, reports and presentations for different audiences.
Consulting, Supplier Engagement, Circular Economy, Integrate climate action for customers, Reduce Energy emissions
Description of Reduction service
The services we provide include a Materiality Analysis to establish a robust ESG strategy foundation, providing insights into key issues for effective communication with stakeholders and regulatory compliance. In dedicated Management Strategy Workshops we define ESG strategies, leading to efficient decision-making processes for long-term ESG strategy planning. Furthermore, we support clients in developing specific quantitative and qualitative ESG targets, enabling stakeholder engagement and the integration of ESG into executive board compensation. Assistance is also provided in improving the most important ESG ratings in the market and drafting company-wide and rating-relevant ESG policies. hat Kontextmenü
Description of Compensation service
Description of Communication service
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