Learn everything you need to know about the CSRD and find the right partner to become compliant.

A quick introduction into the CSRD

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Do our online relevance check here.
Or follow the criteria below.
The year of when you have to start reporting depends on which criteria your company fulfils.
Companies under the scope of NFDR
Report in 2025 about 2024
European companies fulfilling ⅔ criteria: 
- €50 million in net turnover
- €25 million in assets
- 250 or more employees
Report in 2026 about 2025
Listed small and medium sized enterprises fulfilling ⅔ criteria: 
- 10 employees
- 900K euro turnover
- 450k euro balance sheet total
Report in 2027 about 2026
International companies with branch or subsidiary in the EU that has over 150M euro in turnover.
Report 2029 about 2028

Here are two interviews dealing with the topic.

How Retarus becomes CSRD compliant with Dr. Sebastian Raum
Necessary skills of a sustainability manager with Phillip Blumenthal
How big companies like the FUCHS Group manage the CSRD with Michael Sharaga

Here is a list of answer

Here is a list of free material

Carbonfact ESRS E1 Climate Reporting for the CSRD
This document is a guide on how to report on climate change under the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) E1, a key component of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). The guide emphasizes that climate change reporting is not just about compliance but also about strategic opportunity. It outlines the requirements of ESRS E1, which include disclosing a company's governance, strategy, impact, risk management, and metrics and targets related to climate change. The guide also provides practical advice on how to collect and report climate data, as well as how to use this data to improve a company's sustainability performance.
South Pole Quick_Guide_CSRD_EN
This guide provides a concise overview of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), a European Union regulation that mandates companies to report their sustainability data in a standardized way. The guide explains the key aspects of the CSRD, including its scope, timeline, and reporting requirements. It also provides a step-by-step approach to CSRD compliance and highlights South Pole's expertise in supporting companies through this process. Here are some key takeaways from the guide: What is the CSRD? The CSRD is a regulation that aims to enhance transparency and accountability in corporate sustainability reporting. Who is affected? The CSRD applies to a wide range of companies, including large listed companies, large non-listed companies, and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). When do you need to report? The reporting timeline depends on the company's size and listing status. What do you need to report on? The CSRD requires companies to report on a variety of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) topics. How can South Pole help? South Pole offers a range of services to support companies in their CSRD compliance journey, including gap analysis, double materiality assessment, and data collection.
Worldfavor guide CSRD and ESRS a guide to get you started
This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). It explains the key requirements of the CSRD, including the mandatory reporting of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance, double materiality assessment, and third-party assurance. The guide also details the timeline for CSRD implementation and the potential consequences of non-compliance. In addition, the guide delves into the ESRS, outlining the different standards that companies must adhere to when reporting their sustainability practices. It also covers the double materiality assessment, which helps companies determine which ESRS requirements are relevant to their organization. Finally, the guide offers practical tips on how to get started with CSRD compliance, including changing reporting strategies, reporting on relevant ESRS standards, and setting up a process for collecting data.  
Future Planet Navigating the CSRD Journey eBook_
This eBook guides companies through the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) compliance process. It emphasizes the importance of sustainability for various reasons, including regulatory compliance, shareholder requests, reputation management, customer demand, competitive advantage, and ethical considerations. The guide outlines the CSRD timeline, key milestones, and the role of technology in streamlining the process. It also details the steps involved in CSRD compliance, such as double materiality assessment, baseline assessment, gap analysis, implementation, integration, reporting, and disclosures. Additionally, the eBook provides insights into the boundaries and scope of CSRD reporting, the significance of double materiality assessment, and the benefits of automation in various stages of the compliance journey.
We mean business Examples of early adapters
This document reviews 30 early adopter reports that voluntarily align with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) for the reporting year 2023. The document provides examples of how these companies report on various topics.

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