Upgrade to the AtlasZero Companion

Make full use of all the services provided by AtlasZero


Coming soon
Fast track your compliance journey.
Everything in y plus....

Basic plan

Our most popular plan for small teams.
$96per year
Everything in our free plan plus....
Access to basic features
Attend events
Basic reporting + analytics
Automatic updates
Up to 10 individual users
Backup your account
20GB individual data
Audit log and notes
Basic chat support
Feature requests
Get started

Business plan

Advanced features and reporting.
$192per year
Everything in our basic plan plus....
200+ integrations
Advanced custom fields
Advanced reporting
Audit log and data history
Up to 20 individual users
Backup your account
40GB individual data
Personalised service
Priority chat support
+ many more...
Get started

Access our Solution Finder

Get up-to-date on all sustainability regulation topics of the European Green Deal.

This currently includes the CSRD, DMA, EU Taxonomy, CBAM, CSDDD, EUDR, and the Green Claims Directive.
More topics will follow in the future.

Image of report auditing.
Image of report auditing.

Access our RFP process

The RFP (Request for Proposal) is a tedious task.

We support you in preparing the best request that delivers the information you need.

We make sure that all relevant solution providers know of your request.

We help you to evaluate the results of the request, to narrow down the list of potential solutions.


Access our database

The market of sustainability solutions is complex.

Just the market for sustainability reporting already counts over 100 solutions.

There are many more solutions that can make your company more sustainable. From solar panels, over waste management systems or employee engagement programs.

Gain an overview of all solutions in one place.

Image of report auditing.
Image of report auditing.

Use our customer support

Do you know who you call when you are feeling stuck?

We support our clients with all questions around sustainability compliance.

Even when we don't know the answer, we know someone that does.